Research Topics

Extraction of local contrasts above 5%


Starting from the definition of the meteorological visibility distance, we define the mobilized and mobilizable visibility distances. This leads to propose a generic method for estimating the atmospheric visibility distance using a camera mounted onboard a moving vehicle. It consists in estimating the most distant object on the road surface having at least a contrast of 5%. In this article, we detail how the contrast is estimated. With this intention, a precise, robust and fast method inspired from the binarization technique of K?hler is presented. We present how this technique was adapted to our needs. To justify our approach, our technique is compared with those of Gordon and Beghdadi. We apply the resulting technique to the measurement of visibility distance by merging our measurement of local contrast with a distance information obtained by stereovision. We finish by giving some examples of measurement of mobilized visibility distance under various meteorological conditions.

  1. Hautière, N., Aubert, D. and Jourlin, M. Mesure du contraste local dans les images, application à la mesure de distance de visibilité par caméra embarquée. In Traitement du Signal, 23 (2): 145-158, 2006.    

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