Research Topics

Forever Open Roads


The world’s highway network has developed over thousands of years; emerging from the track, to Roman paved roads, the smooth road, and most recently the motorway. A new generation of road is required to cope with the challenges faced by Europe’s highway network, such as increased incidents of extreme weather conditions resulting from climate change, congestion and requirements for minimised disruption. At the same time, significant developments continue in communication and sensor technologies, Intelligent Transport Systems and vehicle design. The Forever Open Road aims to tackle the challenges and embrace opportunities arising from existing and future technology.

  1. Lamb, M., Collis,B., Deix, S., Krieger, B. and Hautière, N. The Forever Open Road - Defining the next generation road. In Routes/Roads, 352-353: 120-129, 2012.
  2. Lamb, M., Collis, R., Deix, S., Krieger, B. and Hautière, N. The Forever Open Road - Defining the Next Generation Road. In PIARC World Road Congress (WRC'11), Mexico City, Mexico, 2011.  

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