Bibliographie couleur

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[5] L. Busin, N. Vandenbroucke, L. Macaire, and J.-G. Postaire. Color space selection for unsupervised colour image segmentation by analysis of connectedness properties. International Journal of Robotics and Automation, IJRA, 20(2):70-77, 2005.
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[27] M. E. Hansen and J. M. Carstensen. Color-based image retrieval from high-similarity image databases. In proceedings of Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, SCIA, pages 1098-1105, Göteborg, Suède, juin 2003.
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[30] G. Jaffré and A. Crouzil. Non-rigid object localization from color model using mean shift. In IEEE Conference Proceedings of International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP, volume 3, pages 317-320, Barcelone, Espagne, septembre 2003.
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[39] O. Lezoray, A. Elmoataz, and H. Cardot. A color object recognition scheme: application to cellular sorting. International Journal of Machine Vision and Applications, MVA, 14(3):166-176, juillet 2003.
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[40] H. Mayer. Analysis of means to improve cooperative disparity estimation. In proceedings of ISPRS Conference on Photogrammetric Image Analysis, PIA, pages 25-31, Université technique de Munich, Allemagne, septembre 2003.
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[42] K. Mühlmann, D. Maier, J. Hesser, and R. Männer. Calculating dense disparity maps from color stereo images, an efficient implementation. In IEEE Conference Proceedings of Workshop on Stereo and Multi-Baseline Vision, SMBV, pages 30-36, Kauai, États-Unis, juin 2001.
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[46] G. Qian, S. Sural, and S. Pramanik. A comparative analysis of two distance measures in color image databases. In IEEE Conference Proceedings of International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP, volume 1, pages 401-404, Rochester, États-Unis, septembre 2002.
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[47] S. Rital, H. Cherfi, and D. Aboutajdine. A vectorial edge detector using spatiocolorimetric neighborhood hypergraph and perceptual color distance. In International Conference on Complex Systems, Intelligence and Modern Technology, pages 305-310, Cherbourg, France, septembre 2004.
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