Sensing of Car Environment at Low Speed Driving

J. Langheim, R. Divko, F. Tango, J.-P. Artis, M. Wahl, S. Ambellouis, Ch. Lavergne, M. Spigai, U. Lages, M. Dittmer, S. Ludwig, W. Reiland, M. Parent, Th. Fraichard, E. Marchand, J.-P. Tarel, D. Aubert, M. Mangeas, J.-M. Blosseville, A. Buchanan, M. Thompson, A. Trace, C. Shooter, B. Steux, P. Coulombeau and C. Laurgeau.



@inproceedings{jpt-its00, author = {Langheim, J. and Divko, R. and Tango, F. and Artis, J.-P. and Wahl, M. and Ambellouis, S. and Lavergne, Ch. and Spigai, M. and Lages, U. and Dittmer, M. and Ludwig, S. and Reiland, W. and Parent, M. and Fraichard, Th. and Marchand, E. and Tarel, J.-Ph. and Aubert, D. and Mangeas, M. and Blosseville, J.-M. and Buchanan, A. and Thompson, M. and Trace, A. and Shooter, C. and Steux, B. and Coulombeau, P. and Laurgeau, C.}, title = {Sensing of Car Environment at Low Speed Driving}, bookTitle = {7th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems}, address = {Torino, Italia}, date = {October 6-9}, year = {2000} }

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(c) ITS World Congress