Where we look when we drive: A multidisciplinary approach
Roland Brémond, J.-M. Auberlet, V. Cavallo, L. Désiré, V. Faure, S. Lemonnier, R. Lobjois and Jean-Philippe Tarel
This paper reviews a cluster of recent and current researches in the field of visual attention conducted at the LEPSIS Lab (IFSTTAR). Taking advantage of the multidisciplinary structure of the research team, contributions have been proposed in the fields of image processing, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, cognitive psychology and ethology. In image processing, we have contributed to predictive models of the gaze fixations in a driving task, namely, looking for road signs, proposing a computational model of top-down visual attention. In artificial intelligence, a simple computational model of visual attention was proposed and implemented in an agent-based microscopic traffic simulation model. In virtual reality, the blink frequency was proposed in order to assess the relevance of driving simulators in terms of the driver's mental workload. In cognitive psychology, the visual conspicuity of powered two wheels was assessed on a driving simulator, leading to recommendations about their lighting system design; another contribution gave evidence that oculomotor patterns can reveal crossing decisions at crossroads. In cognitive ethology, a joint work is in progress with the CEREMA in order to study oculomotor patterns at crossroads in a field test, thanks to a dedicated vehicle.
author = {Br\'emond, R. and Auberlet, J.-M. and Cavallo, V. and D\'esir\'e, L. and Faure, V. and Lemonnier, S. and Lobjois, R. and Tarel, J.-P.},
title = {Where we look when we drive: A multidisciplinary approach},
booktitle = {Proceedings of Transport Research Arena (TRA'14)},
date = {April 14-17},
address = {Paris, France},
year = {2014},
note = {http://perso.lcpc.fr/tarel.jean-philippe/publis/tra14b.html}
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(c) TRA