Calibration data:
Assuming a pin-hole camera model, the transformation between 3D space and image is a perspective projection.
The set of the calibration parameters is: u0, v0, au, av, R and T (see figure 1).
Internal or intrinsic parameters are:
All parameters are theoritically expressed in focal length unit. For reasons of simplicity the focal length is here assumed to be 1mm.
External or extrinsic parameters are:
How compute the projection matrix?
For each 3D point X in the reference coordinate frame, its image (u,v) in pixel is:
u = u0 + au x'/z'
v = v0 + av y'/z'
where X' = (x',y',z') are the coordinates of the 3D point in the
camera coordinate system. Thus, they are linked with X by the following equation
R X' + T = X.
Consequently, with our notations, the perspective transformation matrix between
3D and 2D homogeneous coordinates is:
{u s, v s, s} = {{au, 0, u0, 0}, {0, av, v0, 0}, {0, 0, 1, 0}}
inverse({{R, T}, {0, 1}}) {X, 1}
A technical manual of the calibration software is available.