Pose Estimation of Free-Form 3D Objects without Point Matching
using algebraic surface Models

- This paper presents new approaches to two fundamental
3D vision problems: 3D surface representation, and
fast extraction of geometric information from this representation,
particularly 3D alignment. For surface representation
by implicit algebraic surfaces, a non-iterative, robust, repeatable
and approximately least squares fitting algorithm,
3D 3L, is proposed. The alignment problem is solved by
formulating an intrinsic coordinate system
determined by tensor contractions of the surface representation

author = {Jean-Philippe Tarel and Hakan Civi and David B. Cooper},
title = {Pose Estimation of Free-Form 3D Objects without Point Matching using algebraic surface Models},
booktitle = {Proceedings of IEEE Worshop Model Based 3D Image Analysis},
address = {Mumbai, India},
date = {January 3},
pages = {13--21},
year = {1998},
note = {http://perso.lcpc.fr/tarel.jean-philippe/publis/mb3ia.html}
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(c) IEEE