Justine Grave - PhD student
DESE LCPC 58, boulevard Lefebvre 75732 Paris Cedex 15 France
Tel. +33 1 40 43 53 74

under contruction


Currently, I am a third year PhD student at [LCPC] (Laboratoire central des ponts et chaussées) and [LIRIS] (Laboratoire d'InfoRmatique en Images et Systèmes d'information).
I am part of the team EV (Lighting and Visibility) of the department [ESE] (Road Operation, Signalling, Lighting). One of the principal objectives of the EV team is to improve road safety by means of research, in particular, on the visibility of the driver‘s environment. Visibility studies may be carried out with digital images displayed on different display devices. Unfortunately, the visual environment of the driver is far more complex than any display device is able to render (luminance dynamic range, luminance values, colour gamut, colour values). Those device limitations have an impact on human perception. There are operators (named Tone Mapping operators) which use vision models, such as contrast perception, to process the images before display in order to decrease and ideally to cut out that impact.
My work consists in designing a Tone Mapping operator for visual performance tasks (such as detection tasks) and in evaluating and validating this operator through psychophysical experiments.



Grave J. et Brémond R. Designing a Tone Mapping Algorithm for Road Visibility Studies. APGV 2005, ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Applied Perception in Graphics and Visualization 2005, p 168. [pdf]

Grave J. et Brémond R. Conception et évaluation d’un opérateur de reproduction de tons pour des études de visibilité routière. AFIG 2005, Les 18ème journées de l'Association Française d'Informatique Graphique et de l'Association Chapitre Français d'Eurographics. [pdf]


Grave J. Respect des niveaux de visibilité dans la restitution d’images routières. 11ème séminaire « Images Virtuelles », Collège de France.