Journal Papers2014- Gallen, R., Cord, A., Hautière, N., Dumont, E. and Aubert,
D. Nighttime Visibility Analysis and Estimation Method in the Presence
of Dense Fog. In IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2014.
- Halmaoui, H., Joulan, K., Hautière, N., Cord, A. and Brémond,
R. Quantitative model of the driver's reaction time during daytime fog
– application to a head up display-based advanced driver assistance
system. In IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 2014.
- Hautière, N., Tarel, J.-P., Halmaoui, H. and Brémond, R. a. D. Enhanced fog detection and free-space segmentation for car navigation. In Machine Vision Applications Journal, Special issue on car navigation
and vehicle systems, 25 (3): 667-679, 2014.
2013- Gallen, R., Hautière, N., Cord, A. and Glaser, S. Supporting Drivers in Keeping Safe Speed in Adverse Weather Conditions
by Mitigating the Risk Level. In IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 14 (4): 1558-1571, 2013.
- Hautière, N. La route peut-elle capter plus que jusqu’à présent l’apport des nouvelles
technologies ?. In Transports, 480: 5-16, 2013.
- Hautière, N., De-La-Roche, C. and Jacquot-Guimbal, H. La route de cinquième génération (R5G). Quelle infrastructure dans
vingt ans et quels services en attendre ?. In Revue Générale des Routes et Autoroutes, 910: 28-35, 2013.
- Hautière, N., De-La-Roche, C. and Op-De-Beek, F. Comment adapter les infrastructures routières aux enjeux de la mobilité
de 2030. In TEC : Transport Environnement Circulation, 217: 25-32, 2013.
2012- Babari, R., Hautière, N., Dumont, E. and Paparoditis, N. a. J. Visibility Monitoring using Conventional Roadside Cameras - Emerging
Applications. In Transportation Research Part C, 22: 17-28, 2012.
- Hautière, N. La route du futur au coeur des enjeux sociétaux. In LCG Magazine, 40: 75-78, 2012.
- Jacquot-Guimbal, H. and Hautière, N. Recherche et perspective : Les routes de cinquième génération. In Administration, 234: 84-89, 2012.
- Jacquot-Guimbal, H. and Hautière, N. Recherche et perspective : Les routes de cinquième génération. In PCM, 847/848: 97-101, 2012.
- Joulan, K., Brémond, R. and Hautière, N. Assessing an image processing model of edge visibility with a psycho-visual
experiment. In Perception, 41 ECVP Abstract Supplement: 241, 2012.
- Lamb, M., Collis,B., Deix, S., Krieger, B. and Hautière,
N. The Forever Open Road - Defining the next generation road. In Routes/Roads, 352-353: 120-129, 2012.
- Sohm, J., Hornych, P., Kerzreho, J.-P., Cottineau, L.-M., V., Le C., Hautiere, N., C., De La R. and Van Damme,
H. Remote monitoring of an experimental motorway section - an enabling
technology of the 5th generation road. In International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology, 5 (5): 289-294, 2012.
- Tarel, J.-P., Hautière, N., Cord, A., Halmaoui, H., Carafa,
L. and Gruyer, D. Vision Enhancement in Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Fog. In IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, 4 (2): 6-20, 2012.
2011- Babari, R., Hautière, N., Dumont, E., Brémond, R. and Paparoditis,
N. A Model-Driven approach to estimate atmospheric visibility with ordinary
cameras. In Atmospheric Environment, 45 (30): 5316-5324, 2011.
- Bossu, J., Hautière, N. and Tarel, J.-P. Rain or Snow Detection in Image Sequences Through Use of a Histogram
of Orientation of Streaks. In International Journal of Computer Vision, 93 (3): 348-367, 2011.
- Gallenne, M.-L., Marchetti, M., Hautière, N., Dumont, E., Aubert, D., Boucher, V., Bouilloud, L. and Bernardin, F. Conditions météorologiques dégradées - Avancées et perspectives
en exploitation. In Revue Générale des Routes et Autoroutes, 891: 46-49, 2011.
- Hautière, N., Bossu, J., Bigorgne, E. and Aubert, D. Vers un système de détection et caractérisation par caméra de conditions
météorologiques critiques pour la sécurité routière. In Traitement du Signal, 28 (5): 575-603, 2011.
2010- Brémond, R, Tarel, J.-P., Dumont, E. and Hautière, N. Vision Models for Image Quality Assessment: One is Not Enough. In Journal of Electronic Imaging, 19 (043004), 2010.
- Gallen, R., Hautière, N. and Dumont, E. Static Estimation of the Meteorological Visibility Distance in Night
Fog with Imagery. In IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, E93-D (7): 1780-1787, 2010.
- Hautière, N., Tarel, J.-P. and Aubert, D. Mitigation of Visibility Loss for Advanced Camera based Driver Assistances. In IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 11 (2): 474-484, 2010.
2008- Charbonnier, P., Muzet, V., Nicolle, P., Hautière, N. a. J.-P. and Aubert, D. Stereovision applied to road scene analysis. In Bulletin des Laboratoires des Ponts et Chaussées, 272: 57-74, 2008.
- Hautière, N., Aubert, D., Dumont, E. and Tarel, J.-P. Experimental Validation of Dedicated Methods to In-Vehicle Estimation
of Atmospheric Visibility. In IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 57 (10): 2218-2225, 2008.
- Hautière, N., Tarel, J.-P., Aubert, D. and Dumont, E. Blind Contrast Enhancement Assessment by Gradient Ratioing at Visible
Edges. In Image Analysis and Stereology, 27 (2): 87-95, 2008.
2007- Jokela, M., Kutila,M., Laitinen, J., Ahlers, F., Hautière,
N. and Schendzielorz, T. Optical Road Monitoring of the Future Smart Roads - Preliminary Results. In International Journal of Computer and Information Engineering, 1 (8): 509-514, 2007.
2006- Hautière, N., Aubert, D. and Jourlin, M. Mesure du contraste local dans les images, application à la mesure
de distance de visibilité par caméra embarquée. In Traitement du Signal, 23 (2): 145-158, 2006.
- Hautière, N., Labayrade, R. and Aubert, D. Estimation of the Visibility Distance by Stereovision: a Generic
Approach. In IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, E89-D (7): 2084-2091, 2006.
- Hautière, N., Labayrade, R. and Aubert, D. Real-Time Disparity Contrast Combination for Onboard Estimation
of the Visibility Distance. In IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 7 (2): 201-212, 2006.
- Hautière, N., Tarel, J.-P., Lavenant, J. and Aubert, D. Automatic Fog Detection and Estimation of Visibility Distance
through use of an Onboard Camera. In Machine Vision and Applications Journal, 17 (1): 8-20, 2006.
2005- Hautière, N. and Aubert, D. Mesure embarquée de la visibilité atmosphérique pour les aides à
la conduite. In Recherche Transports Sécurité, 87: 89-108, 2005.
2004- Hautière, N. and Aubert, D. Fog Detection through use of a CCD Onboard Camera. In Ingénieurs de l'automobile, 773: 83-86, 2004.
Books2010- Hautière, N. Détection des conditions de visibilité par vision embarquée. Editions Universitaires Européennes, 2010.
- Lepert, P. and Hautière, N., ed. Projet DIVAS: Dialogue Infrastructure Véhicules pour Améliorer
la Sécurité routière. Hermès Science, 2010.
Book chapters2013- Hautière, N., Babari, R., Dumont, E., Parent Du Chatelet,
J. and Paparoditis, N. Climate Change and Regional/Local Responses.
- Kim, M., Hautière, N. and Loscos, C. 3D Video - From capture to diffusion.
- Kim, M., Hautière, N. and Loscos, C. Vidéo 3D - Capture, traitement et diffusion.
2009- Dumont, E., Hautière, N. and Gallen, R. Atmospheric Turbulence, Meteorological Modeling and Aerodynamics.
2008- Hautière, N., Labayrade, R., Boussard, C., Tarel, J.-P. and Aubert, D. Autonomous Robots Research Advances.
Conference Papers2014- Aubert, D., Brémond, R, Cord, A., Dumont, E., Gruyer,
D., Hautière, N., Nicolle, P., Tarel, J.-P, ?Boucher,
V., Charbonnier, P., Foucher, P., Fournela, F., Greffier,
F., Muzet, V. and Simon, L. Digital Imaging for Assessing and Improving Highway Visibility. In Transport Research Arena (TRA'14), Paris, France, 2014.
2012- Bordel, S., Charon, C., Hautière, N. and Somat, A. Acceptabilité d’un système embarqué. In 54e Congrès de la Société Française de Psychologie, Montpellier,
France, 2012.
- Joulan, K., Hautière, N. and R., B. An image processing model of edge visibility based on human perception. In International Computer Vision Summer School, Sicily, 2012.
2011- Babari, R., Hautière, N., Dumont, E. and Paparoditis, N. Mesure de la visibilité météorologique par imagerie : Une approche
modèle. In Congrès des jeunes chercheurs en vision par ordinateur (ORASIS'11),
Praz-sur-Arly, 2011.
- Babari, R., Hautière, N., Dumont, E. and Paparoditis, N. a. J. Visibility Monitoring Using Conventional Roadside Cameras: Shedding
Light on and Solving Multinational Road Safety Problem. In Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers
(TRB'11), Washington, D.C., USA, 2011.
- Babari, R., Hautière, N., Dumont, E. and Papelard, J.-P. a. N. Computer Vision for the Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Visibility. In IEEE/ISPRS workshop on Computer Vision for Remote Sensing of the
Environment, IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops,
Barcelona, Spain, pages 219-226, 2011.
- Belaroussi, R., Tarel, J.-P and Hautière, N. Vehicle Attitude Registration using a Camera, a GPS and a 3D Map. In IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV'11), Baden Baden, Germany, 2011.
- Gallen, R., Cord, A., Hautière, N. and Aubert, D. Towards Night Fog Detection through use of In-Vehicle Multipurpose
Cameras. In IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV'11), Baden Baden, Germany, 2011.
- Gallen, R., Dumont, E. and Hautière, N. A conventional approach to nighttime visibility in adverse weather
conditions. In International Symposium on Automotive Lighting (ISAL'11), Darmstadt,
Germany, 2011.
- Gallen, R., Hautière, N., Dumont, E. and Colomb, M. Introducing forward scattering in adaptive rear lighting systems. In 27th Session of the CIE (CIE'11), South Africa, 2011.
- Gruyer, D., Glaser, S., Pechberti, S., Gallen, R. and Hautière,
N. Distributed Simulation Architecture for the Design of Cooperative
ADAS. In First International Symposium on Future Active Safety Technology
toward zero-traffic-accident (FAST-zero'11), Tokyo, Japan, 2011.
- Halmaoui, H., Cord, A. and Hautière, N. Contrast restoration of road images taken in foggy weather. In Workshop on Computer Vision in Vehicle Technology: From Earth to
Mars, IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops,
Barcelona, Spain, pages 2057-2063, 2011.
- Hautière., N. and Roche, C. Innovating in road infrastructures with R5G - the 5th Generation
Road. In IRF International Road Congress: Innovation in Road Infrastructure, 2011.
- Joulan, K., Hautière, N. and Brémond, R. Contrast sensitivity functions for road visibility estimation on
digital images. In 27th Session of the CIE (CIE'11), South Africa, 2011.
- Joulan, K., Hautière, N. and Brémond, R. A unified CSF-based framework for edge detection and edge visibility. In Workshop on Biologically-Consistent Vision (WBCV'11), IEEE Computer
Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops, Colorado Springs, USA, 2011.
- Lamb, M., Collis, R., Deix, S., Krieger, B. and Hautière,
N. The Forever Open Road - Defining the Next Generation Road. In PIARC World Road Congress (WRC'11), Mexico City, Mexico, 2011.
2010- Babari, R., Hautière, N., Dumont, E. and Paparoditis, N. Mesure robuste de la visibilité météorologique par caméra. In MajecSTIC 2010, Bordeaux, France, 2010.
- Boussard, C., Hautière, N. and d'Andréa-Novel, B. Visibility Distance Estimation based on Structure from Motion. In IEEE International Conference on Control Automation Robotics and
Vision (ICARCV’10), Singapore, pages 1416 -1421, 2010.
- Gallen, R., Hautière, N. and Glaser, S. Advisory Speed for Intelligent Speed Adaptation in Adverse Conditions. In IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV'10), San Diego, California,
USA, pages 107-114, 2010.
- Hautière, N., Babari, R., Dumont, E., Brémond, R. and Paparoditis,
N. Estimating Meteorological Visibility using Cameras: A Probabilistic
Model-Driven Approach. In Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV'10), Queenstown, New Zealand, pages 243-254, 2010.
- Hautière, N., Bossu, J., Bigorgne, E. and Aubert, D. Détection de conditions de visibilité réduite par caméra bord de
voies. In Prévention des Risques et Aides à la Conduite, Paris, France, 2010.
- Hautière, N. and Lepert, P. DIVAS : comment adapter dynamiquement la demande à l’offre de sécurité
routière. In Prévention des Risques et Aides à la Conduite, Paris, France, 2010.
- Tarel, J.-P., Hautière, N., Cord, A. and Gruyer, D. a. H. Improved Visibility of Road Scene Images under Heterogeneous Fog. In IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium (IV'10), San Diego, California,
USA, pages 478-485, 2010.
2009- Bossu, J., Hautière, N. and Tarel, J.-P. Utilisation d'un modèle probabiliste d'orientation de segments pour
détecter des hydrométéores dans des séquences vidéo. In XXIIe Colloque GRETSI (GRETSI'09), Dijon, France, 2009.
- Gallen, R., Hautière, N. and Dumont, E. Static Estimation of Meteorological Visibility Distance in Night
Fog with Imagery. In IAPR Conference on Machine Vision Applications (MVA'09), Yokohama,
Japan, pages 300-303, 2009.
- Hautière, N., Bossu, J., Bigorgne, E., Hiblot, N., Boubezoul,
A., Lusetti, B. and Aubert, D. Sensing the visibility range at low cost in the SAFESPOT road-side
unit. In ITS World Congress (ITS'09), Stockholm, Sweden, 2009.
- Hautière, N., Bossu, J. and Brand, C. Une solution d'acquisition d'images à multiples fonctions de réponse. In XXIIe Colloque GRETSI (GRETSI'09), Dijon, France, 2009.
- Hautière, N. and Boubezoul, A. Combination of Roadside and In-Vehicle Sensors for Extensive Visibility
Range Monitoring. In IEEE International Conference On Advanced Video and Signal Based
Surveillance (AVSS'09), Genoa, Italy, 2009.
- Hautière , N., Dumont, E., Brémond, R. and Ledoux, V. Review of the Mechanisms of Visibility Reduction by Rain and Wet
Road. In International Symposium on Automotive Lighting (ISAL'09), Darmstadt,
Germany, 2009.
- Hautière, N., Tarel, J.-P. and Aubert, D. Free Space Detection for Autonomous Navigation in Daytime Foggy Weather. In IAPR Conference on Machine Vision Applications (MVA'09), Yokohama,
Japan, 2009.
- Tarel, J.-P. and Hautière, N. Fast Visibility Restoration from a Single Color or Gray Level Image. In IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV'09), Kyoto,
Japan, pages 2201-2208, 2009.
2008- Boussard, C., Hautière, N. and d'Andréa-Novel, B. Vehicle Dynamics Estimation for Camera-based Visibility Distance
Estimation. In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent RObots and Systems
(IROS'08), Nice, France, 2008.
- Dumont, E., Bremond, R. and Hautière, N. Night-time visibility as a function of headlamp beam pattern and
pavement reflection properties. In International Congress VISION (VISION 2008), Versailles, France, 2008.
- Hautière, N., Bigorgne, E. and Aubert, D. Daytime Visibility Range Monitoring through use of a Roadside Camera. In IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV'08), Delft, The Netherlands, 2008.
- Hautière, N., Bigorgne, E., Bossu, J. and Aubert, D. Meteorological Conditions Processing for Vision-based Traffic Monitoring. In IEEE International Workshop on Visual Surveillance (VS'08), Marseille,
France, 2008.
- Hautière, N. and Lepert, P. Dialogue between Infrastructure and Vehicles to Improve Road Safety:
The DIVAS Approach. In Transport Research Arena (TRA'08), Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2008.
2007- Blosseville, J.-M.,, Ehrlich, J., Glaser, S., Hautière,
N. and Peyret, F. Vers une sécurité routière accrue par la coopération véhicule-infrastructure
: contributions du LCPC au projet SAFESPOT. In Congrès ATEC-ITS France, Issy-les-Moulineaux, France, 2007.
- Boussard, C., Hautière, N. and d'Andréa-Novel, B. Vision Guided by Vehicle Dynamics for Onboard Estimation of the Visibility
Range. In IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles, Toulouse, France, 2007.
- Hautière, N. Artificial Perception under Adverse Conditions: the Case of the Visibility
Range. In Young Researchers Seminar, FERSI FEHRL ECTRI, Brno, Czech Republic, 2007.
- Hautière, N., Aubert, D. and Dumont, E. Mobilized and Mobilizable Visibility Distances for Road Visibility
in Fog. In 26th Session of the CIE, Beijing, China, pages D4 92-95, 2007.
- Hautière, N. and Dumont, E. Assessment of Visibility in Complex Road Scenes Using Digital Imaging. In 26th Session of the CIE, Beijing, China, pages D4 96-99, 2007.
- Hautière, N., Tarel, J.-P. and Aubert, D. Simultaneous Contrast Restoration and Obstacles Detection: First
Results. In IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV'07), Istanbul, Turkey, pages 130-135, 2007.
- Hautière, N., Tarel, J.-P. and Aubert, D. Towards Fog-Free In-Vehicle Vision Systems through Contrast Restoration. In IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
(CVPR'07), Minneapolis, USA, 2007.
- Hautière, N., Tarel, J.-P., Aubert, D. and Dumont, E. Blind Contrast Restoration Assessment by Gradient Ratioing at Visible
Edges. In International Congress for Stereology (ICS'07), Saint-Etienne, France, 2007.
- Hautière, N., Tarel, J.-P. and Brémond, R. Perceptual Hysteresis Thresholding: Towards Driver Visibility Descriptors. In IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication
and Processing (ICCP'07), Cluj Napoca, Romania, pages 89-96, 2007.
- Jokela, M., Kutila,M., Laitinen, J., Ahlers, F., Hautière,
N. and Schendzielorz, T. Optical Road Monitoring of the Future Smart Roads - Preliminary Results. In International Conference on Computer, Electrical, and Systems Science,
and Engineering (CESSE'07), Berlin, Germany, 2007.
- Soquet, N., Aubert, D. and Hautière, N. Road Segmentation by an Extended V-Disparity Algorithm for Autonomous
Navigation. In IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV'07), Istanbul, Turkey, 2007.
2006- Boussard, C., Hautière, N. and Gruyer, D. Prototypage d'un capteur monoculaire générique de visibilité pour
véhicule traceur. In MajecSTIC 2006, Lorient, France, 2006.
- Hautière, N. and Aubert, D. Visibles Edges Thresholding: a HVS based Approach. In IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'06),
Hong-Kong, China, pages 155-158, 2006.
- Hautière, N., Aubert, D., Dumont, E. and Tarel, J.-P. Validation expérimentale de méthodes dédiées à l'estimation embarquée
de la visibilité atmosphérique. In Journées Sciences de l'Ingénieur, Marne-la-Vallée, France, 2006.
- Hautière, N., Labayrade, R., Perrollaz, M. and Aubert, D. Road Scene Analysis by Stereovision: a Robust and Quasi-Dense Approach. In IEEE International Conference on Control Automation Robotics and
Vision (ICARCV’06), Singapore, 2006.
- Perrollaz, M., Labayrade, R., Royère, C. and Hautière, N. a. D. Long Range Obstacle Detection Using Laser Scanner And Stereovision. In IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV'06), Tokyo, Japan, pages 182-187, 2006.
2005- Hautière, N. and Aubert, D. Contrast Restoration of Foggy Images through use of an Onboard
Camera. In IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC'05),
Vienna, Austria, pages 1090-1095, 2005.
- Hautière, N., Aubert, D. and Dumont, E. Onboard Measurement of the Atmospheric Visibility: Static
Calibration and Quantitative Evaluation. In 17th Biennial Symposium on Visibility and Traffic Control
Devices, Transportation Research Board, Washington, USA, pages 48-49, 2005.
- Hautière, N., Aubert, D. and Jourlin, M. Détection des conditions de visibilité et estimation de la distance
de visibilité par vision embarquée. In MajecSTIC 2005, Rennes, France, 2005.
- Hautière, N., Labayrade, R. and Aubert, D. Detection of Visibility Conditions through use of Onboard Cameras. In IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV'2005), Las Vegas,
USA, pages 193-198, 2005.
- Hautière, N., Labayrade, R. and Aubert, D. Estimation de la distance de visibilité atmosphérique par vision
embarquée : méthodes et applications. In Rencontres Doctorales INRETS, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, 2005.
- Hautière, N., Labayrade, R. and Aubert, D. Estimation of the Visibility Distance by Stereovision: a Generic
Approach. In IAPR Congress on Machine Vision Applications (MVA'05),
Tsukuba, Japan, pages 590-593, 2005.
2004- Hautière, N. and Aubert, D. Fog Detection through use of a CCD Onboard Camera. In International Congress VISION (VISION 2004), Rouen, France, 2004.
2003- Hautière, N. and Aubert, D. Driving Assistance: Automatic Fog Detection and Measure
of the Visibility Distance. In ITS World Congress (ITS'03), Madrid, Spain, 2003.
2002- Hautière, N. and Aubert, D. Détection automatique du brouillard et mesure de la distance de visibilité. In Journée scientifique brouillard et visibilité routière, Paris,
France, pages 99-107, LCPC, 2002.
Misc2010- Gallen, R., Cord, A., Hautière, N. and Aubert, D. Procédé et dispositif de détection de brouillard, la nuit, brevet
français 1057802 soumis par INRETS/LCPC.
2006- Hautière, N., Labayrade, R. and Aubert, D. Sight distance measuring device, brevet international WO 2006/043003
A1 soumis par INRETS/LCPC.
2004- Hautière, N., Labayrade, R. and Aubert, D. Dispositif de mesure de distance de visibilité, brevet français 0411061
soumis par INRETS/LCPC.
PhD Theses2011- Hautière, N. Détection et caractérisation des conditions de visibilité par vision
artificielle – Applications aux Systèmes de Transports Intelligents. Ph.D. Thesis, Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches de l'Université Paris-Est, 2011.
2005- Hautière, N. Détection des conditions de visibilité et estimation de la distance
de visibilité par vision embarquée. Ph.D. Thesis, Université Jean Monnet, Saint-Étienne, 2005.